Why Is My Cat Drinking a Lot of Water? Causes and Solutions

Is Your Cat’s Water Consumption Excessive? Why Is My Cat Drinking a Lot of Water? Discover the Surprising Causes and Easy Solutions! Find Out Why Now.


When your beloved feline friend starts drinking an excessive amount of water, it can be a cause for concern. While occasional thirst is normal, excessive water consumption in cats, known as polydipsia, may indicate an underlying health issue. In this article, we will explore the various causes of increased water intake in cats and discuss potential solutions to address this behavior.

Understanding Normal Water Intake in Cats

Cats, like humans, require an adequate amount of water for their overall health and well-being. Proper hydration is important to maintain their organ function, digestion, and temperature regulation. While the water intake for cats can vary based on factors like age, size, activity level, and diet, here are some general guidelines for cat water consumption:

  1. Fresh Water Availability: Cats should have access to fresh, clean water at all times. Ensure that their water bowl is replenished regularly to prevent dehydration.
  2. Water Consumption: On average, cats typically need to consume between 100-130 milliliters of water per 5 pounds (2.3 kilograms) of body weight per day. This can vary depending on individual factors.
  3. Wet Food Diet: If your cat primarily consumes wet or canned food, it contains a significant amount of moisture, which contributes to its hydration needs. Cats on wet food diets may drink less water compared to those on dry food diets.
  4. Dry Food Diet: Cats on a dry food diet may require more water intake as dry food has a lower moisture content. Providing fresh water alongside dry food can help compensate for the lack of moisture.
  5. Additional Factors: Cats that are lactating, pregnant, or experiencing health issues like kidney disease may require increased water intake. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate water consumption for your cat based on their specific needs.

It’s important to monitor your cat’s water intake and ensure they are adequately hydrated. If you notice any significant changes in their water consumption or signs of dehydration (e.g., lethargy, dry mouth, decreased urination), consult your veterinarian for further evaluation and guidance.

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Why Is My Cat Drinking a Lot of Water?

Potential Causes of increased cat water consumption

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances, such as hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s disease, can lead to increased thirst in cats. These conditions affect the production or regulation of certain hormones in the body, resulting in abnormal water intake.

Kidney Disease

One of the most common causes of increased water drinking in cats is kidney disease. When the kidneys are not functioning properly, they may struggle to concentrate urine effectively, leading to increased water consumption as the body tries to compensate for the loss of water through urine.


Diabetes, a metabolic disorder, can also contribute to excessive thirst in cats. When a cat has diabetes, their body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels is impaired. This can result in increased urination and subsequently increased water intake.


Hyperthyroidism, a condition caused by an overactive thyroid gland, can lead to increased thirst in cats. The excessive production of thyroid hormones can affect the cat’s metabolism and fluid balance, resulting in increased water consumption.

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can cause discomfort and irritation in cats, leading to increased water intake as a response to alleviating the symptoms. If your cat is drinking more water than usual and displays signs of urinary discomfort, a UTI may be the underlying cause.

Medications or Treatments

Certain medications or treatments may cause increased thirst as a side effect. If your cat has recently started a new medication or undergone treatment, it is worth considering whether this may be contributing to their increased water intake.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors, such as warmer weather or a dry indoor environment, can increase a cat’s water requirements. It’s important to ensure that your cat always has access to fresh water to stay hydrated.

Diet Changes

Switching to a new diet, particularly one with higher sodium content, can increase a cat’s thirst. Additionally, dry food diets tend to have lower water content, leading cats to compensate by drinking more water.

Identifying the Signs of Increased Water Intake

Keeping a close eye on your cat’s water intake is crucial in identifying any changes. Signs of increased water intake include frequent visits to the water bowl, larger quantities of water consumed, and more frequent urination. It is essential to monitor these changes and look for any other accompanying symptoms.

When to Consult a Veterinarian

If you notice a significant increase in your cat’s water consumption or if you’re concerned about their health, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. They will be able to conduct a thorough examination and recommend appropriate diagnostic tests to determine the underlying cause.

Diagnostic Process

The diagnostic process for identifying the cause of excessive water intake may involve several steps.

Physical Examination

During a physical examination, the veterinarian will assess your cat’s overall health, including checking for signs of dehydration or any abnormalities in the abdomen or urinary system.

Blood and Urine Tests

Blood and urine tests can provide valuable insights into your cat’s kidney function, blood sugar levels, electrolyte balance, and overall health. These tests help identify potential causes of increased water intake.

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Imaging Studies

In some cases, imaging studies such as ultrasounds or X-rays may be recommended to evaluate the condition of the kidneys, urinary tract, or other organs that could be contributing to excessive water drinking.

Treatment Options

Treatment for increased water intake in cats depends on the underlying cause and may vary accordingly.

Addressing Underlying Conditions

If an underlying medical condition such as kidney disease, diabetes, or hyperthyroidism is identified, treatment will focus on managing that condition. This may involve medication, dietary changes, or other therapies as prescribed by the veterinarian.


In certain cases, medications may be prescribed to address specific symptoms or conditions contributing to increased water intake. It is important to follow the veterinarian’s instructions and administer any prescribed medications as directed.

Fluid Therapy

Fluid therapy may be recommended in situations where dehydration is a concern. This can help restore hydration levels and support the cat’s overall health.

Dietary Changes

Incorporating dietary changes, such as feeding wet food instead of dry food, can help increase the cat’s overall water intake. Consult your veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations based on your cat’s health and needs.

Preventing Excessive Water Intake

While it may not always be possible to prevent excessive water intake, certain measures can help maintain your cat’s overall well-being.

Providing Fresh Water

Ensure that your cat always has access to fresh, clean water. Regularly change the water and clean the water bowl to encourage hydration.

Monitor Water Intake

Keep an eye on your cat’s water intake and note any significant changes. Monitoring their habits can help you identify potential issues early on.

Regular Vet Check-ups

Schedule regular check-ups with your veterinarian to monitor your cat’s overall health and address any concerns promptly. Regular examinations and screenings can help detect any underlying conditions before they progress.

FAQs about Excessive Drinking in Cats

Why is my cat always drinking water?

Cats may drink water excessively due to various reasons, including medical conditions like urinary tract infections, kidney disease, diabetes, or hyperthyroidism. Environmental factors such as hot weather, stress, or increased physical activity can also contribute to increased water intake.

How much water should a cat drink in a day?

On average, a cat should consume between 3.5 to 4.5 ounces of water per 5 pounds of body weight per day. However, individual cats’ water needs may vary depending on factors like diet, activity level, and health conditions.

Can dehydration cause excessive drinking in cats?

Yes, dehydration can lead to increased thirst in cats. If your cat is not getting enough water or is losing fluids due to illness or other reasons, it may drink more water to compensate for the loss.

When should I be concerned about my cat’s drinking habits?

You should be concerned if you notice a significant increase in your cat’s water intake or if it is accompanied by other concerning symptoms such as weight loss, changes in appetite, frequent urination, or lethargy. It’s advisable to consult a veterinarian in such cases.

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How can I encourage my cat to drink more water?

To encourage your cat to drink more water, ensure that fresh water is readily available. Consider providing multiple water sources throughout your home and offering wet food, which has a higher water content. Some cats may prefer running water, so a pet fountain could be a helpful investment.

Can stress cause a cat to drink more water?

Yes, stress can lead to increased water intake in cats. Changes in the household, such as moving or introducing a new pet, can cause stress and anxiety, which may manifest as excessive drinking. Creating a calm and secure environment can help alleviate stress-related behavior.

Can stress or anxiety cause my cat to drink more water?

Yes, stress or anxiety can lead to increased water intake in some cats. It’s important to create a calm and comfortable environment for your cat and address any underlying stressors.

Is it normal for older cats to drink more water?

Increased water intake in older cats can be a sign of an underlying health issue. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian to rule out any potential problems.

Can certain medications cause excessive thirst in cats?

Yes, certain medications may have increased thirst as a side effect. If you suspect a medication is contributing to your cat’s excessive water drinking, consult your veterinarian.

Should I be concerned if my cat’s water intake fluctuates?

Mild fluctuations in water intake are normal. However, if you notice a consistent and significant increase or decrease, it is best to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying issues.


Increased water consumption in cats can be a cause for concern, but it is essential to understand the underlying reasons and take appropriate action. By being aware of potential medical conditions, monitoring your cat’s behavior, and providing a healthy and balanced environment, you can promote their well-being. Remember to consult a veterinarian if you have any concerns or notice significant changes in your cat’s water consumption.

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Hi there, I'm Pushpak Das, a 31-year-old electrical engineer by profession. In addition to my day job, I'm also a passionate blogger and YouTuber, where I love to share my knowledge and experiences with others. When I'm not working on my professional or creative pursuits, you can find me spending time with my pets. I'm a huge animal lover and have a special place in my heart for cats and dogs,exotic birds,exotic fishes.

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